1. Join State Association

Michigan Association of Chiropractors

Web page link


Membership Fees

Time in Practice   Annual Benefits
Presidents Club   $2,280.00 All valuable benefits above, Century Club, & Ambassadors Club benefits PLUS: Opportunities to meet with high-level policy makers, name listed in every edition of the Journal, President’s Club pin, and in-depth no-charge legal consultations
Ambassadors Club   $1,680.00 All valuable benefits above & Century Club benefits PLUS: All conventions and seminars at no-charge, Ambassadors Club pin, in-depth no-charge legal consultations, and special network opportunities
Century Club   $1,260.00 All valuable benefits above PLUS: Free conventions for doctor and non-DC staff, discounted rates for select seminars, VIP Club receptions at conventions, Century Club pin, and no-charge legal consultations
Established Doctor   $780.00 All valuable benefits above PLUS: Discounted convention rates and special member assistance
New Doctor 4th Year   $420.00 All valuable benefits above PLUS: One Free convention per year, new doctor advocacy programs, and new doctor receptions at conventions
New Doctor 3rd Year   $420.00 All valuable benefits above PLUS: One Free convention per year, new doctor advocacy programs, and new doctor receptions at conventions
New Doctor 2nd Year   $420.00 All valuable benefits above PLUS: One Free convention per year, new doctor advocacy programs, and new doctor receptions at conventions
Part-Time   $660.00

15 hrs or less/wkAll valuable benefits above


Semi-Retired   $260.00

25 yrs in practice & 15 hrs or less/week

All valuable benefits above

Retired   $110.00

Fully retired, not practicing

All valuable benefits above PLUS: Highly discounted convention rates

Out of State   $260.00 All valuable benefits above
Club Member CA   Free If you work in the office of a MAC Club Member doctor (Century Club, Ambassadors Club, Presidents Club) and you are not a licensed DC, you are considered a Club Member CA. This membership is free and allows you the Club Member CA discount on events and access to members only information on the website.
Member CA   Free If you work in the office of a MAC Member doctor and you are not a licensed DC, you are considered a Member CA. This membership is free and allows you the Member CA discount on events and access to members only information on the website.
1st Year   Free All valuable benefits above PLUS: Free conventions, new doctor advocacy programs and materials, including: valuable information for starting your new practice, and new doctor receptions at conventions
Student   Free  

Member benefits


  • Dedicated doctors, highly professional staff, and seasoned consultants to ensure strong advocacy and prompt answers to your questions
  • Aggressive legal and legislative committees – fighting for full and open access to chiropractic for all patients, and fair reimbursement for your services
  • Opportunity to join MichiCare, the chiropractic network developed exclusively by MAC members, for MAC members
  • Free/discounted rates for high-quality conventions, seminars, and webinars
  • Valuable legal consultations on a variety of issues
  • Effective public relations initiatives to put you in the public spotlight, including member-only health screening events, MyMACWellness, and Worksafe
  • District meetings, annual meetings, social networking, and many other professional growth opportunities
  • Exclusive member-only information featuring valuable practice building and insurance tips
  • Educational publications covering current hot topics
  • Special pricing on a broad array of vendor products and services
  • Find-a-Doc listing on website
  • Free/discounted rates on classified ads
  • Highly tax-deductible dues
  • Students: free

2. License Requirements

Website to apply for license:

Michigan Chiropractic Licensing Guide:

Application Fee (Must be paid by Visa, Mastercard, Discover, or American Express credit or debit card):

  • Chiropractic – By Endorsement – $237.10
  • Chiropractic – By Exam – $237.10
  • Chiropractic – Relicensure – $257.10

The following requirements apply to all applicants (except renewal):

  • Criminal Background Check – Once the online application is completed and submitted you will be emailed an Application Confirmation letter containing instructions to complete the Criminal Background Check (except those applicants seeking relicensure, if the license expired within the last three years).
  • Good Moral Character Questions – Documentation will be required if you answer “yes” to either question to show at the current time you have the ability to, and are likely to, serve the public in a fair, honest and open manner, that you are rehabilitated, or that the substance of the former offense is not reasonably related to the occupation or profession for which you are seeking a license.
  • Human Trafficking—Prior to being issued a license, Individuals seeking licensure must have completed training in identifying victims of human trafficking that meets the standards in Administrative Rule 338.12031. The training must be completed only once. Link to training:
  • Social Security Number – An individual applying for licensure is required to provide his or her social security number at the time of application. If exempt under law from obtaining a SSN or do not have a SSN, the SSN affidavit form will be required to be uploaded at the time the application is submitted.
  • Verification of Licensure – Verification of licensure must be sent directly to our office by the licensing agency of any state of the United States or country in which you hold or ever held a license. The verification must show that disciplinary proceedings are not pending against the applicant and sanctions are not in force at the time of application. Verification can be emailed to or mailed to the Bureau of Professional Licensing, PO Box 30670, Lansing, MI 48909.
  • English Language Proficiency – An individual applying for licensure must demonstrate a working knowledge of the English language. This can be established if either the applicant’s required health professional educational program was taught in English, a transcript establishes the applicant earned not less than 60 college level credits from an English-speaking graduate or undergraduate school, or that the applicant obtained a passing score on an approved English proficiency exam as established by the department under R 338.7002b(2) of the Public Health Code – General Rules.
  • Implicit Bias Training – Individuals seeking licensure must have completed a minimum of 2 hours of implicit bias training within the 5 years immediately preceding issuance of the license as established by the department in R 338.7004 of the Public Health Code – General Rules. Link to training:

Additional Requirements for licensure by exam:

  • Official final transcripts confirming having received a degree in chiropractic submitted directly to this office from a chiropractic educational program accredited by the Council on Chiropractic Education.
  • Certification of your examination scores submitted directly to this office from the examination agency. Contact the National Board of Chiropractic Examiners (NBCE) to have the results of Parts I, II, III and IV of the national board examination sent directly to this office. Contact the NBCE at

Additional Requirements for licensure by endorsement:

  • Applicants for licensure by endorsement who have been licensed in another state of the United States for less than five years immediately preceding the date of application must submit the following:
    • Certification of either of the following examination scores submitted directly to this office from the examination agency: o Contact the National Board of Chiropractic Examiners (NBCE) to have the results of Parts I, II, III and IV of the national board examination sent directly to this office. Contact the NBCE at
  • Applicants for licensure by endorsement who have been licensed in another state of the United States for not less than five years immediately preceding the date of application must submit the following:
    • Verification of Licensure – Verification of licensure must be sent directly to our office by the licensing agency of any state of the United States or country in which you hold or ever held a license. The verification must show that disciplinary proceedings are not pending against the applicant and sanctions are not in force at the time of application. Verification can be emailed to or mailed to the Bureau of Professional Licensing, PO Box 30670, Lansing, MI 48909.

License Renewal Requirements: The current Administrative Rules require that doctors obtain 30 hours of continuing education over the two-year licensure period for license renewal, 15 of which may be completed on-line unless noted.

  • These 30 hours must include:
    • Two hours in physical measures
    • Two hours in the performance and ordering of tests
    • One hour in ethics
    • One hour in sexual boundaries
    • One hour in pain and symptom management
    • Two hours of Implicit Bias Training

You must also have completed your Human Trafficking training. This is a one-time-only requirement and is not needed for every license renewal.


    • Applicants for relicensure have different requirments depending on your circumstances (years license has been lapsed). Please click here for more detailed information.

3. Getting Your NPI Number

(New Practioner Identification) Number

4. Obtaining an EIN

(Employer Identification Number)

Note: This is your tax ID number as a practitioner


Filing for a business

  • This link has online services to file for and apply for LLCs and other legal business entities.
    • Reserve a name – must be unique
    • Assign registered agent
    • Registered office – street or road address, or rural route and PO box number for location – you cannot have just a PO box
    • Fees to file are based on a 10 business-day period, you can pay a greater fee to have business documents finalized in 24 hours.
  • FinCEN required (federally) with reporting


Business Structure




Sole Proprietorship

One person

Unlimited personal liability

Personal tax only


Two or more persons

Unlimited personal liability unless structured as a limited partnership

Self-employment tax (except for limited partnership), Personal tax

Limited Liability Company (LLC)

Two or more persons

Owners are not personally liable

Self-employment tax, Personal tax or Corporate tax

Professional Limited Liability Company (PLLC)

Two or more persons

Owners are not personally liable

Self-employment tax, Personal tax or Corporate tax

Corporation – C Corp

One or more persons

Owners are not personally liable

Corporate tax

Corporation – S Corp

One or more persons, but no more than 100 and all must be US citizens

Owners are not personally liable

Personal tax

Corporation – B Corp

One or more persons

Owners are not personally liable

Corporate tax

Corporation – Nonprofit 

One or more persons

Owners are not personally liable

Tax-exempt, but corporate can’t be distributed

Note: The difference between an LLC and a PLLC is that all members of PLLC are required to be designated professionals.

What is an Associate?

An associate receives pay from the office by which they are employed. If you are an associate who will be dealing with vendors for selling goods, you should consider getting an EIN.

What is an independent Contractor?

An independent contractor receives pay from their patients and insurance companies directly. If you are an independent contractor, you need an EIN.

5. Obtaining Malpractice Insurance

Malpractice Insurance Providers

What To Consider When Selecting A Plan

Claims Made

A policy providing coverage that is triggered when a claim is made against the insured during the policy period, regardless of when the wrongful act that gave rise to the claim took place. (The one exception is when a retroactive date is applicable to a claims-made policy.)


An occurrence policy covers claims resulting from an injury or another event that occurs during the policy term. Coverage depends on the timing of the event. A claims-made policy covers claims that are made during the policy period.

Tail Coverage

An addition to a claims-made policy. It extends coverage for incidents that happened during the time you had your policy, but a claim was not filed until after your policy expired or was canceled. Tail coverage is another name for an extended reporting period.

Note: $1 Million/$3 Million is the minimum plan required in order to participate with some Insurance Companies.

6. Participating with Insurance Providers

Note: Before starting a practice in an area, check to see whether the Insurance Companies are accepting new providers.

As of this writing, most private insurance companies rely on the Council for Affordable Quality Health Care (CAQH) to verify your credentials. You will also need CAQH credentialing for some of the government supplemented participations as well. Others will use Availity for your credentialing, however as of this writing that is becoming less common. Keep in mind, you only need one account on either of these, and then will give permissions to each insurance company you are working to participate with to access your information and to be verified as a provider.

CAQH: information needed can be filled out here:

The following is a quick step by step of what things you should select as a chiropractor and documents/information you may need.

  1. NUCC Grouping: Chiropractic Providers
  2. Provider type: Doctor of Chiropractic
  3. Select your state
  4. Social security number
  5. Demographics and contact information
  6. License number(s) and state(s)
  7. Educational information (about your chiropractic school and degree)
  8. Board certified: No (chiropractors are not board certified, and do not need to be)
  9. You may select directory listings and other searchable tags
  10. Practice location(s), including TIN
  11. You may add credentialing contact information if you are using a third party, but if you are doing this yourself you may skip this section.
  12. Malpractice insurance information: company, expiration dates, and policy numbers.
  13. 10 year work history, dates, addresses, etc.
  14. Professional disclosures
  15. Documents to upload:
    1. Standard authorization release; updated every 120 days
    2. Professional liability insurance verification (proof of insurance)
    3. State license (copy)
    4. W9
Participating with a provider

Common insurance companies include United Health Care, BlueCross BlueShield of Illinois, Aetna, Cigna, Molina, and HealthAlliance. Links below allow you to apply for participation in their networks.

ERISA policy – these are self-funded plans provided by private employers. These plans exclude Medicare, Medicaid, public school, workers compensation, military, church or other individual private insurances.

  • There are various laws that allow appeals for denial of these claims as they often follow their own fee-schedule or processes for claims.
  • These policies look different than most private insurers, and more information on processes and participating with these policies can be found within ICS guidelines for members.
Medicare Participation

Medicaid Participation

Medicaid: administered by the Department of Health and Human Services

Provider enrollment link: