Reimbursement Dashboard
The reimbursement dashboard benchmarks state and national data by state. State Association Executive Directors have access to to the reimbursement dashboard to identify both positive and negative trends in reimbursement. In addition, a nationwide webinar was performed in 2022 to train state leaders on this and the key variables that are driving their results. In addition, operational metrics will be shared for providers to understand how to improve their cash flow. The focus on familiarity with data and using the data to identify local and national trends continued through 2022.
In 2023, V2 of the dashboard was released. A nationwide webinar was performed in February 2024 to make State Association Executive Directors aware of the updates and changes to the reimbursement dashboard as well as discuss how they could utilize this information.
October 2023: Data Dashboard Helps Chiropractors Get Paid
Since January 2021, Kentucky chiropractors have been facing challenges in receiving payments from CareSource. The Kentucky Association of Chiropractors (KAC) knew they needed to address these concerns. Recognizing the need for a data-driven approach to address these issues, Dr. Rachel Wendt, KAC Executive Director, and Vice-Chair of the Chiropractic Future Strategic Plan, engaged Dr. Jay Greenstein, Chair and Brad Cost, CEO of Infinedi and Vice-Chair of the ChiroTech Consortium Workgroup. They leveraged a reimbursement dashboard, made available at no cost to state associations to identify reimbursement issues, bolstering the advocacy efforts. By leveraging the reimbursement dashboard and collaborating with industry experts, KAC identified and resolved payment-related issues, securing over $1 million in payments owed to Kentucky chiropractors.