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New Hampshire

1. Join State Association

New Hampshire Chiropractic Association

2. License Requirements

Applying for NBCE Exams
State Specific Exams
Applying for a license

State Scope of Practice


“316-A:1 Definition. – The science of chiropractic deals with the analysis of any interference with normal nerve transmission and expression, the procedure preparatory to, and complementary to the correction thereof, by an adjustment of the articulations of the vertebral column and its immediate articulations for the restoration and maintenance of health; it includes the normal regimen and rehabilitation of the patient using the procedures which are currently taught in accredited chiropractic colleges at the time of matriculation without the use of drugs, surgery, or colonic irrigation. The term analysis is construed to include physical examination, the use of x-ray and other analytical instruments generally used in the practice of chiropractic. The terms adjustment, manipulation, and subluxation are primary to the practice of chiropractic and shall therefore be specifically defined in rules adopted by the board of chiropractic examiners.”

Continuing Education


20 hours every odd numbered year

“…20 hours of continuing education approved by or conducted by the International Chiropractors Association, or the American Chiropractic Association, or the New Hampshire board of chiropractic examiners…”

3. Getting Your NPI Number

(New Practioner Identification) Number

4. Obtaining an EIN

(Employer Identification Number)


Business Structure




Sole Proprietorship

One person

Unlimited personal liability

Personal tax only


Two or more persons

Unlimited personal liability unless structured as a limited partnership

Self-employment tax (except for limited partnership), Personal tax

Limited Liability Company (LLC)

Two or more persons

Owners are not personally liable

Self-employment tax, Personal tax or Corporate tax

Professional Limited Liability Company (PLLC)

Two or more persons

Owners are not personally liable

Self-employment tax, Personal tax or Corporate tax

Corporation – C Corp

One or more persons

Owners are not personally liable

Corporate tax

Corporation – S Corp

One or more persons, but no more than 100 and all must be US citizens

Owners are not personally liable

Personal tax

Corporation – B Corp

One or more persons

Owners are not personally liable

Corporate tax

Corporation – Nonprofit 

One or more persons

Owners are not personally liable

Tax-exempt, but corporate can’t be distributed

Note: The difference between an LLC and a PLLC is that all members of PLLC are required to be designated professionals.

What is an Associate?

An associate receives pay from the office by which they are employed. If you are an associate who will be dealing with vendors for selling goods, you should consider getting an EIN.

What is an independent Contractor?

An independent contractor receives pay from their patients and insurance companies directly. If you are an independent contractor, you need an EIN.

5. Obtaining Malpractice Insurance

Malpractice Insurance Providers

What To Consider When Selecting A Plan

Claims Made

A policy providing coverage that is triggered when a claim is made against the insured during the policy period, regardless of when the wrongful act that gave rise to the claim took place. (The one exception is when a retroactive date is applicable to a claims-made policy.)


An occurrence policy covers claims resulting from an injury or another event that occurs during the policy term. Coverage depends on the timing of the event. A claims-made policy covers claims that are made during the policy period.

Tail Coverage

An addition to a claims-made policy. It extends coverage for incidents that happened during the time you had your policy, but a claim was not filed until after your policy expired or was canceled. Tail coverage is another name for an extended reporting period.

Note: $1 Million/$3 Million is the minimum plan required in order to participate with some Insurance Companies.

6. Participating with Insurance Providers

Note: Before starting a practice in an area, check to see whether the Insurance Companies are accepting new providers.
Participating with a provider
What health insurance companies are in New Hampshire?



Anthem Blue Cross and Blue Shield:


Harvard Pilgrim HealthCare:

United HealthCare:

Council For Affordable Quality Healthcare (CAQH)
Medicare Participation