Chiropractic Information

Arizona Chiropractic Summary
Many insurance plans in Arizona cover chiropractic care, including AHCCCS (Arizona’s version of Medicaid), though the extent of coverage varies. Patients often have the option to pay out-of-pocket if insurance does not cover the treatment. Patients in Arizona can typically visit a chiropractor without a referral from a primary care physician, although some insurance plans may require one.
Licensing Requirements
Post-Licensing Education
Continuing Education requirements
All licensees must complete up to twelve (12) hours of continuing education for each calendar year. Including a minimum of two (2) hours of record keeping every even calendar year. The State of Arizona has no specific requirements for the number of hours taken either via in-person courses or online.
requirements for educators
Please allow staff at least 60 days to review and process your application(s) and issue your AZCE Number(s). The Board has the authority to approve continuing education courses if needed retroactively. All applications must be submitted online.
Are PACE courses accepted for continuing education requirements?
Accepts PACE Precheck
Arizona requires examinations through the National Board of Chiropractic Examiners
Part I, Part II, Part III, Part IV – Required
Physiotherapy, Acupuncture – Accepted
State Chiropractic Online Resources
Regulatory Authority
Arizona Board of Chiropractic Examiners:
Chiropractic Statutes and Regulations
ARIZONAREVISEDSTATUTES Title32. Professions and Occupations Chapter 8. Chiropractic
Title 36-Publich Health and Safety
Arizona Employment Protection Act
Arizona Administrative Code
State Government Resources
State Legislature Homepage
State Legislature Bill Search Tool
Legislative member roster
State Governor's Office
Secretary of State
Office of the Insurance Commissioner
State Associations
State Chiropractic Coverage
Worker’s Compensation
Industrial Commission of Arizona
Industrial Commission of Arizona: Obtaining Workers’ Compensations Coverage Information
Industrial Commission of Arizona: Carriers Authorized to Write WC Insurance in AZ
Industrial Commission of Arizona: 2024/2025 Fee Schedule Update
Arizona Health Care Cost Containment System (AHCCCS)
Provider Information:
Arizona HealthCare Cost Containment System: Physician Fee Schedules
Practice Options
Perform extremity adjustments? | Y |
Provide nutritional advice? | Y |
Provide manipulation under anesthesia? | Y |
Provide school enrollment exams? | Y |
Provide sports physical exams? | Y |
Provide return to play exams (including concussion protocol) for sports participation? | Y |
Perform US Department of Transportation exams? | Y1 |
Treat animals? | Y2 |
Perform acupuncture? | Y3 |
Perform dry needling? | Y |
Perform intraoral TMJ treatments? | Y |
Perform internal coccyx adjustments? | Y |
Are there limits to body areas DCs are allowed to examine and/or treat? | Y4 |
Are there limits on diagnostic tools DCs are allowed to use? | Y5 |
Perform venipuncture? | N |
Perform casting? | N |
1. A chiropractor can perform a Department of Transportation (DOT) physical exam if they are a certified medical examiner (CME) listed on the Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration’s (FMCSA) National Registry.
2. Chiropractors must be certified by the American Veterinary Chiropractic Association (AVCA), International Veterinary Chiropractic Association (IVCA), or College of Animal Chiropractors (CoAC).
3. DCs with additional acupuncture training may provide acupuncture in AZ.
4. A doctor of chiropractic licensed under this chapter shall not prescribe or administer medicine or drugs, perform surgery or practice obstetrics.
5. Practice of chiropractic; limitations. A Doctor of Chiropractic is a portal of entry health care provider who engages in the practice of health care that includes:
1. The diagnosis and correction of subluxations, functional vertebral or articular dysarthrosis or neuromuscular skeletal disorders for restoring and maintaining health.
2. Physical and clinical examinations, diagnostic x-rays and imaging and clinical diagnostic laboratory procedures that are limited to nasal swabs, oral swabs, sputum collection, urine collection, finger pricks or venipuncture in order to determine the propriety of a regimen of chiropractic care or to form a basis for referring patients to other licensed health care professionals, or both.
3. Treatment by:(a) Physical medicine modalities, therapeutic procedures and adjustment of the spine or bodily articulations. (b) Procedures related to the correction of subluxations and neuromuscular skeletal disorders.(c) Prescription of orthopedic supports.(d) Acupuncture. A Doctor of Chiropractic who is licensed under this chapter shall not prescribe or administer medicine or drugs, perform surgery or practice obstetrics.