Chiropractic Information

Michigan Chiropractic Summary
The practice of chiropractic includes the diagnosis of human conditions and disorders of the human musculoskeletal and nervous systems as they relate to subluxations, misalignments, and joint dysfunctions. These diagnoses shall be for the purpose of detecting and correcting those conditions and disorders or offering advice to seek treatment from other health professionals to restore and maintain health.
Licensing Requirements
Post-Licensing Education
Continuing Education requirements
The current Administrative Rules require that doctors obtain 30 hours of continuing education over the two-year licensure period for license renewal, 15 of which may be completed on-line unless noted. These 30 hours must include:
- Two hours in physical measures
- Two hours in the performance and ordering of tests
- One hour in ethics
- One hour in sexual boundaries
- One hour in pain and symptom management
- Two hours of Implicit Bias Training
You must also have completed your Human Trafficking training. This is a one-time only requirement and not needed for every license renewal. Link: https://chiromi.com/ce-info/
requirements for educators
The continuing education program provider shall complete an application provided by the department, file the application and supporting documentation with the department for review not less than 120 days before the program date, and satisfy the requirements.
Are PACE courses accepted for continuing education requirements?
Michigan requires examinations through the National Board of Chiropractic Examiners
Part I, Part II, Part III, Part IV, Physiotherapy, Acupuncture, NBCE Spec – Required
State Chiropractic Online Resources
Regulatory Authority
Michigan Board of Chiropractic https://www.michigan.gov/lara/bureau-list/bpl/health/hp-lic-health-prof/chiro#Overview
Chiropractic Statutes and Regulations
Public Health Code, Chiropractic Scope of Practice http://www.legislature.mi.gov/(S(kpyp314reu11orsaqd5x5upk))/mileg.aspx?page=getObject&objectName=mcl-333-16401
Public Health Code http://www.legislature.mi.gov/(S(kpyp314reu11orsaqd5x5upk))/mileg.aspx?page=getObject&objectName=mcl-Act-368-of-1978
State Government Resources
State Legislature Homepage
State Legislature Bill Search Tool
Legislative member roster
State Governor's Office
Secretary of State
Office of the Insurance Commissioner
State Associations
State Chiropractic Coverage
Worker’s Compensation
Michigan Workers’ Disability Compensation Agency https://www.michigan.gov/leo/bureaus-agencies/wdca
Michigan Medicaid https://www.michigan.gov/mdhhs/assistance-programs/medicaid/portalhome/beneficiaries/programs/medicaid
Medicaid Fee Schedule https://www.michigan.gov/mdhhs/-/media/Project/Websites/mdhhs/Folder1/Folder60/WebCo-PayTable_11-02-06.pdf?rev=39dfeae1839e4434b66f503f84d63e45&hash=0011A97D7B51605563D320E49EB224B9
Practice Options
Perform extremity adjustments? | Y |
Provide nutritional advice? | Y |
Provide manipulation under anesthesia? | Y1 |
Provide school enrollment exams? | N |
Provide sports physical exams? | N |
Provide return to play exams (including concussion protocol) for sports participation? | N |
Perform US Department of Transportation exams? | Y2 |
Treat animals? | Y3 |
Perform acupuncture? | N |
Perform dry needling? | N |
Perform intraoral TMJ treatments? | N |
Perform internal coccyx adjustments? | N |
Are there limits to body areas DCs are allowed to examine and/or treat? | Y4 |
Are there limits on diagnostic tools DCs are allowed to use? | Y5 |
Perform venipuncture? | N |
Perform casting? | N |
1. Under the supervision of an MD or DO
2. A chiropractor can perform a Department of Transportation (DOT) physical exam if they are a certified medical examiner (CME) listed on the Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration’s (FMCSA) National Registry.
3. Under the supervision of a veterinarian.
4. The practice of chiropractic does not include: The performance of any procedure that cuts or punctures the skin, the dispensing or prescribing of drugs or medicine, except for diagnostic purposes only, the use of x-ray, the performance of an invasive procedure involving a body orifice or cavity unless allowed by rules promulgated under section 16423 and limited to examinations involving the ears, nose, and throat, and the treatment of fractures or dislocations. Link: https://www.legislature.mi.gov/Laws/MCL?objectName=mcl-333-16401
5. The practice of chiropractic does not include: The performance of any procedure that cuts or punctures the skin, the dispensing or prescribing of drugs or medicine, except for diagnostic purposes only, the use of x-ray, the performance of an invasive procedure involving a body orifice or cavity unless allowed by rules promulgated under section 16423 and limited to examinations involving the ears, nose, and throat, and the treatment of fractures or dislocations. The performance or ordering of non x-ray diagnostic imaging tests that were not allowed as of December 1, 2009. (Referring for advanced imaging of spine only is allowed). Link: https://www.legislature.mi.gov/Laws/MCL?objectName=mcl-333-16401