Chiropractic Information

Utah Chiropractic Summary
The mission of the Utah Chiropractic Physician Licensing Board is to protect the public and enhance commerce through licensing and regulation.
A chiropractor may examine, diagnose and treat only within this scope, and may not perform “incisive” surgery, prescribe or administer drugs, or medicines for which an authorized prescription is required by law, treat cancer, practice obstetrics, prescribe or administer X-ray therapy or set displaced fractures. A chiropractor may use X-ray for diagnostic purposes only.
Licensing Requirements
Post-Licensing Education
Continuing Education requirements
You need 40 Board approved C.E. hours (20 each year) to renew your license. Chiropractor licenses expire on May 31 of even years. Link: https://dopl.utah.gov/chiropractic-physician/renew-a-license/
requirements for educators
Are PACE courses accepted for continuing education requirements?
Accepts PACE
Utah requires examinations through the National Board of Chiropractic Examiners
Part I, Part II, Part III, Part IV, Physiotherapy, Acupuncture, Spec
State Chiropractic Online Resources
Regulatory Authority
Utah Chiropractic Physician Licensing Board:
Chiropractic Statutes and Regulations
DOPL Licensing Act, 58-1: https://le.utah.gov/xcode/Title58/Chapter1/58-1.html
General Rule of the Division of Professional Licensing, R156-1: https://adminrules.utah.gov/public/rule/R156-1/Current%20Rules
Division Utah Administrative Procedures Act Rule, R156-46b: https://adminrules.utah.gov/public/rule/R156-46b/Current%20Rules?searchText=R156-46b
Chiropractic Physician Practice Act, 58-73: https://le.utah.gov/xcode/Title58/Chapter73/58-73.html
Chiropractic Physician Practice Act Rules, R156-73: https://adminrules.utah.gov/public/rule/R156-73/Current%20Rules
Health Care Providers Immunity from Liability Act, 58-13: https://le.utah.gov/xcode/Title58/Chapter13/58-13.html
Utah Division of Radiation Control, Environmental Quality Title R313: https://adminrules.utah.gov/public/search/R313/Current%20Rules
Utah Health Care Malpractice Act, Title 78B, Chapter 3, Part 4: https://le.utah.gov/xcode/Title78B/Chapter3/78B-3-P4.html
State Government Resources
State Legislature Homepage
State Legislature Bill Search Tool
Legislative member roster
State Governor's Office
Secretary of State (LT. GOV)
Office of the Insurance Commissioner
State Associations
State Chiropractic Coverage
Worker’s Compensation
Utah Insurance Department: https://insurance.utah.gov/consumers/workers-comp/
Workers Comp Fee Schedule: https://www.laborcommission.utah.gov/divisions/industrial-accidents/medical-providers/#medical-fee-standards
Information for Medical Providers: https://laborcommission.utah.gov/divisions/industrial-accidents/medical-providers/
Utah Department of Health & Human Services: https://medicaid.utah.gov/
Health Care Provider Resources: https://medicaid.utah.gov/health-care-providers/
Coverage and Reimbursement Lookup: https://health.utah.gov/stplan/lookup/CoverageLookup.php
Practice Options
Perform extremity adjustments? | Y |
Provide nutritional advice? | Y |
Provide manipulation under anesthesia? | Y1 |
Provide school enrollment exams? | Y |
Provide sports physical exams? | Y |
Provide return to play exams (including | Y2 |
Perform US Department of Transportation exams? | Y3 |
Treat animals? | Y4 |
Perform acupuncture? | Y5 |
Perform dry needling? | N |
Perform intraoral TMJ treatments? | Y |
Perform internal coccyx adjustments? | Y |
Are there limits to body areas DCs are allowed to examine and/or treat? | Y6 |
Are there limits on diagnostic tools DCs are allowed to use? | N/A |
Perform venipuncture? | Y |
Perform casting? | Y |
1. Chiropractors in Utah can perform manipulation under anesthesia (MUA). A board-certified anesthesiologist or other osteopathic or medical physician must directly supervise the anesthesia.
2. Chiropractors with a current CCSP or DACBSP certification may be qualified to evaluate, diagnose, and manage concussions.
3. A chiropractor can perform a Department of Transportation (DOT) physical exam if they are a certified medical examiner (CME) listed on the Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration’s (FMCSA) National Registry.
4. Must be certified by the American Veterinary Chiropractic Association.
5. Chiropractors can practice the 5 Needle Protocol (Auricular Acupuncture or Acudetox) after obtaining a NADA ADS or POCA AAT certificate.
6. A chiropractor may not perform “incisive” surgery, prescribe or administer drugs, or medicines for which an authorized prescription is required by law, treat cancer, practice obstetrics, prescribe or administer X-ray therapy or set displaced fractures. Link: https://le.utah.gov/xcode/Title58/Chapter73/C58-73-S601_1800010118000101.pdf