West Virginia
Chiropractic Information

West Virginia Chiropractic Summary
The practices and procedures which may be employed by Doctors of Chiropractic are based on the academic and clinical training received in and through accredited chiropractic colleges. These shall include the use of diagnostic, analytical and therapeutic procedures specifically including the adjustment and manipulation of the articulations and adjacent tissues of the human body, particularly of the spinal column; included is the treatment of intersegmental disorders for alleviation of related neurological aberrations.
Licensing Requirements
Post-Licensing Education
Continuing Education requirements
18 hours required every year; max 6 hours allowed online. All chiropractic licenses expire annually on June 30th.
requirements for educators
Are PACE courses accepted for continuing education requirements?
West Virginia requires examinations through the National Board of Chiropractic Examiners
Part I, Part II, Part III, Part IV – Required
Physiotherapy, Acupuncture, Spec – Accepted
State Chiropractic Online Resources
Regulatory Authority
West Virginia Board of Chiropractic:
Chiropractic Statutes and Regulations
WV Code 30-16: https://boc.wv.gov/uploads/1/4/8/4/148467522/wv_30.16.pdf
4.01 Regulation of Chiropractic Practice: https://boc.wv.gov/uploads/1/4/8/4/148467522/4.01._regulation_of_chiropractic_practice.pdf
4.02 Procedure of the WV Board of Chiropractic Examiners: https://boc.wv.gov/uploads/1/4/8/4/148467522/4.02._procedures_of_the_wv_board_of_chiropractic_examinerspdf.pdf
4.05 disciplinary and Complaint Procedures for Chiropractors: https://boc.wv.gov/uploads/1/4/8/4/148467522/4.05._disciplinary_and_complaint_procedures_for_chiropractors.pdf
4.06 Fees Pertaining to the Practice of Chiropractic: https://boc.wv.gov/uploads/1/4/8/4/148467522/4.06._fees_pertaining_to_the_practice_of_chiropractic.pdf
4.09 Chiropractic Telehealth Practice: https://boc.wv.gov/uploads/1/4/8/4/148467522/4.09._chiropractic_telehealth_practice.pdf
Chiropractic Interstate Telehealth Application and Instructions: https://boc.wv.gov/uploads/1/4/8/4/148467522/chiropractic_interstate_telehealth_application_and_instructions.pdf
State Government Resources
State Legislature Homepage
State Legislature Bill Search Tool
Legislative member roster
State Governor's Office
Secretary of State
Office of the Insurance Commissioner
State Associations
State Chiropractic Coverage
Worker’s Compensation
West Virginia Offices of the Insurance Commissioner: https://www.wvinsurance.gov/Workers-Compensation
West Virginia Department of Human Services: https://dhhr.wv.gov/bms/Pages/default.aspx
Health Care Provider Resources: https://dhhr.wv.gov/bms/Provider/Pages/default.aspx
Fee Schedule: https://dhhr.wv.gov/bms/FEES/Pages/default.aspx
Practice Options
Perform extremity adjustments? | Y |
Provide nutritional advice? | Y |
Provide manipulation under anesthesia? | N/A |
Provide school enrollment exams? | Y |
Provide sports physical exams? | Y |
Provide return to play exams (including concussion protocol) for sports participation? | Y1 |
Perform US Department of Transportation exams? | Y2 |
Treat animals? | N |
Perform acupuncture? | N |
Perform dry needling? | Y3 |
Perform intraoral TMJ treatments? | Y |
Perform internal coccyx adjustments? | N/A |
Are there limits to body areas DCs are allowed to examine and/or treat? | N/A |
Are there limits on diagnostic tools DCs are allowed to use? | N/A |
Perform venipuncture? | N/A |
Perform casting? | N/A |
1. A Doctor of Chiropractic (DC) who is appropriately trained in the evaluation and management of head injuries can provide return to play exams for sports participation in West Virginia.
2. Yes, a chiropractor can perform a Department of Transportation (DOT) physical exam if they are a certified medical examiner (CME) listed on the Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration’s (FMCSA) National Registry.
3. Must complete at least 80 hours of training, including 60 hours of academic coursework and a 3-hour continuing education course.