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Enlightening and Engaging You and Your Community

Chiropractic Future is dedicated to enlightening the public on the health benefits of chiropractic care while also helping all those in the chiropractic profession thrive. Part of our efforts is to provide solid information on various topics to help chiropractors and their communities stay up to date on the science of chiropractic as it continues to advance. This helps foster a greater understanding and trust within and outside the chiropractic profession about the health benefits of chiropractic care.

What resources are available on this site?
You will find multiple versions of each research topic. All materials provided on this site have been vetted for accuracy and quality of research by some of the top scientists and chiropractors in the profession. Studies on each topic have been gathered, reviewed, and synthesized to provide you with high-quality pieces for self-learning as well as to share with your practice community, the general public, and other healthcare professionals.
Why different versions?
We have provided multiple versions to communicate with different audiences. For example, some versions have chiropractic focused language, some versions are written in more general healthcare provider language, and some are written in lay language for the general public.
How can I get the most out of these articles?

All the materials on this site are a great easy way to self-study and familiarize yourself with the research available on the benefits of chiropractic care.  We recommend you read these articles to keep up to date with the research that we, as a profession, have completed. Furthermore, we recommend that you share the various versions with others. The blog articles are perfect to enlighten your practice members and the general public on the amazing health benefits of chiropractic care. Use these pieces as marketing materials and share them in your office, at workshops, on social media, via email, and on your website.

The versions written for the chiropractic audience are great to share with your office staff and associates. The versions written for the general healthcare provider are great to share with your local physical therapists and other medical professionals.

Will these articles be updated as science evolves?

Yes! Chiropractic Future is dedicated to keeping these pieces updated as more research becomes available so you can always be comfortable knowing that you have access to quality articles that are as up-to-date with the published literature as we can manage.

Why not just use “Dr. Google” or a resource such as ChatGPT, Bard, or Bing?

Using Google or AI resources to gather information or write articles would be the “easy way out”; however, it is not necessarily the most accurate information. With a billion Google searches per day on health-related topics, our mission is to represent the chiropractic profession on a united front with the most precise information that can be justified scientifically. This entails vetting information, sources, and studies to ensure the information is accurately portrayed according to published research articles. If you want trustworthy information congruent with what has been published in solid scientific publications, our reviews are the way to go. All the materials on this site are a great easy way to self-study and familiarize yourself with the research available on the benefits of chiropractic care.  We recommend you read these articles to keep up to date with the research that we, as a profession, have completed. Furthermore, we recommend that you share the various versions with others.
The blog articles are perfect to enlighten your practice members and the general public on the amazing health benefits of chiropractic care. Use these pieces as marketing materials and share them in your office, at workshops, on social media, via email, and on your website.

The versions written for the chiropractic audience are great to share with your office staff and associates. The versions written for the general healthcare provider are great to share with your local physical therapists and other medical professionals.