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Data Lake

In the Fall and Spring of 2023-24, the Spears School of Business Analytics and Data Science at Oklahoma State University began working on a major class project in cooperation with Infinedi who is working collaboratively with the ChiroTech Consortium Workgroup for the Chiropractic Future Strategic Plan. Students and lead professors lent their expertise to the development of a national healthcare data lake for the chiropractic profession. This is the first major effort to collect healthcare data from within the profession that will be used for academic-level research and outcome studies.

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What is a Data Lake?


Chiropractic Future Strategic Plan Announces Collaboration with the Spears Scholl of Business Analytics and Data Science at Oklahoma State University
Master’s Students Aspire To Transform Chiropractic Health Care

Students in the Master’s in Business Analytics and Data Science program (MS BAnDS) in Oklahoma State University’s Spears School Business are at the midpoint of a two-semester long project, which is aimed at building a data lake of millions of individual patient data files that will provide a resource for improving patient care and conducting further research in the chiropractic field.

Brad Cost — MS BAnDS corporate advisory board member and owner of a medical claims processing clearing house called Infinedi — initiated this project with Dr. Goutam Chakraborty, director of the MS BAnDS program. Cost has been involved in projects associated with the MS BAnDS program previously as an industry consultant and judge, but recognized a lack of medical industry related projects despite the growing demand for medical applied data science.

“It’s an opportunity for the students to put a once-in-a-lifetime, world-class project on their resume,” Cost said. “The demand for health care data scientists is quickly growing, and students from programs like MS BAnDS will have a great opportunity to meet those demands.”